Redesigning UI of a Clock-In App

Screenshot: Clock-In
Screenshot: Clock-InScreenshot: Received and Applying Forms
  • RoleUI Design
  • LanguagesEnglish, 正體中文
  • Status
Switch Language中文


Work applications should be productive because of their repetitive usage. Compared to the inspiring product, the major flows of the redesigned clock-in app will be simpler.

I did UI ideation on my own, and prepared the onboarding document for future members.

The Problem

The company I worked for used an app with clock-in, leave forms, and salary information. One had to go back to the “Main Menu” as there was another task to do. I wished the flows were more straightforward.

To Clock-in

  • Layout of Main Menu
    Main Menu
  • then
  • Layout of Clock-In and Forms Screens
    Clock-in Screen
  • then
  • Layout of Clock-In and Forms Screens
  • done

To Clock-in + Confirm Leave Forms

  • Layout of Main Menu
    Main Menu
  • then
  • Layout of Clock-In and Forms Screens
    Clock-in Screen
  • then
  • Layout of Clock-In and Forms Screens
  • then
  • Layout of Main Menu
    Main Menu
  • then
  • Layout of Clock-In and Forms Screens
    Confirm Leave Forms Screen
  • then
  • Layout of Clock-In and Forms Screens
  • done


How might we simplify the flows of the routine tasks in a clock-in app?

Redesign the Navigation

🤔 Initial Idea

An All-in-on Dashboard

I put clocking and form tasks in one place like an all-in-one dashboard. There’s no need to switch between the tasks.


“It’s great to see the major tasks in one dashboard. However, they are overcrowded on mobile devices.”

↪️ 1st Iteration

Tab Bar

The tab bar contains four features: Clockings, Forms, Stats, and Salary.

Tab Bar (Bottom Navigation) fulfills “Where am I?”, “Where else can I go?”, and “What will I find when I get there?” requirements* for the navigation design. The Main Menu design, on the other hand, allows us to go back.

Tab BarMain Menu
Where am I?donedone
Where else can I go?donePrimary TasksGo Back
What will I find when I get there?doneLast Screen

To Clock-in + Confirm Leave Forms

Please give it a try by the following prototype: You are approaching your company’s physical office on a working day and ready to clock in. You open the app and find your colleague’s leave form is waiting for your confirmation.

Take a Closer Look


This is an on-going side project. Please check the document for design principles, user journey mapping, and more.

* Source: “Tab Bars are the new Hamburger Menus” by Fabian Sebastian